After I had handed the golf tract to the new car sales manager, one of the salesmen came up to me and asked for a copy of the golf tips. His name was Mohammed, so I asked him if he was a Muslim. He replied that he was a Muslim, and he made sure that I knew that he was a practicing Muslim. He was part of the Sunni sect of Islam. I told him that I grew up in Iran, where they are Shiites. I asked him if he played golf, and he said no, but that he wanted to learn to play golf, which is why he had asked for the golf booklet. I told him that I would be happy to send him one, but that the one I gave to his manager was my last copy.
When I returned home, I took a copy of the Good News About Fundamentals and I wrote a note and a prayer in it. I said that I hope he enjoys the golf tips. But, I also wrote that I prayed that the Lord Jesus Christ would reveal Himself to him. I said that millions of Muslims around the world are turning to Christ. I told him that he was one that was seeking after God, and that God promises that those who seek Him will find Him. I not only wrote these things, but I took time to pray for Mohammed. I am continuing to pray that God will remove the veil from his eyes, and he will have an encounter with Jesus.
Paul wrote that he was not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Paul was not just unashamed, he was bold in his witness. Paul asked the Ephesians to pray for him to have boldness in sharing the mystery of Christ. Let’s pray for boldness. Let’s look for opportunities, and then step out boldly in sharing our faith with others.