Yesterday, there was an Amtrak train in Washington that derailed over a highway overpass, and so far six people have been listed as dead. Seventy-two others were taken to the hospital. The focus of the investigation has been on the speed of the train. It was traveling at a speed of eighty miles per hour in a section of the track that had a speed limit of thirty mile per hour. The speed limit was low because of the turns in that area. There were signs posted two miles prior to entering that slower zone but the train did not heed the speed limits. There is a required Positive Train Control (PTC) safety system that is required on trains. It automatically warns the driver of the train to slow down, and in the event the driver does not slow down, it automatically slows the train down. The President of Amtrak told reporters that the PTC was not operational on that particular train.
All of us that travel want to know that the vehicles that we are traveling on are in good working condition. All of us want to know that all of the equipment is working. We want to know that the drivers of the vehicles are concerned about our safety, and will follow regulatory signs and procedures.
I believe that our concern for safety is not limited to trains. We want our families to be safe. We want to make sure that our homes are secure. We also want to make sure that our churches are safe. We want to know that the drivers (pastors) of our churches are doing their proper maintenance, spending time in the Word and in prayer. We want to know that the drivers are going to follow Biblical principles and warnings. We want to know that the drivers care more about our safety than how fast they get somewhere. We want to know that the drivers will take us safely to our destinations. I believe all of these are legitimate desires when looking for a church home. At the Connection Church, we care about safety. We care about our passengers. Our pastoral team is diligent in spending time with the Father, and in leading the flock according to Biblical principles. Our crew is friendly, caring, and safe. If you are looking for a safe church, consider traveling with us.